Patch Test
Options Hairdressing has strict guidelines regarding Patch testing as we are passionate about keeping all our client’s sage during their colour service. We will therefore ask you to attend the salon at least 48 hours prior to your service for a patch test if:
You are a new client to options Hairdressing.
You are an existing client that has not had a patch test for over 6 months.
You are visiting the salon for the first time since Lockdown.
You have used a home colour during your salon visits.
Our Manufacturers guidelines are the above and the following:
You are pregnant.
You are breast feeding.
You have had a medical prescription change since your last salon visit.
NB: Testing positive for COVID and receiving a COVID vaccination is classed as a medical change so we must carry out another patch test.
We ask all our clients to act responsible and make either our Front of House aware of any of the above prior to your appointment or your Colour consultant on the day of your appointment, however, please be aware we do reserve the right to refuse to carry out any colour work & charge accordingly if advised at the time of appointment.
Reaction to Patch test.
If any reaction occurs immediately after or during the following 48 hours, rinse the area with cool water and notify the salon. This test represents an important precaution, however, please be aware that even with the test being carried out, you may still experience an allergic reaction when colouring the hair. The patch test is not a guarantee of avoiding future allergic reactions. Please consult a doctor if you have any doubts or concerns.
Please note that this policy is for our client’s health & safety and to protect our salon’s professional duty of care.