At Options Hairdressing we are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. This policy explains how, when, and why we collect personal information and how we use it and keep it secure.
Who is collecting your data?
We are Options Hairdressing Limited, registered in England. No 9755644. Our registered address is Suite 3, Warren House, 10-20 Main Road, Hockley, Essex, SS5 4QS and our main phone number is 01245 491434. For general enquiries, please email info@optionschelsmford.com.
What information is being collected, and when?
When clients come for an appointment, we collect their name, postal address, contact phone numbers, email addresses, and date of birth. We also make a record of any allergies and skin tests for clients having a colour service.
When a client registers for our on-line booking system, we collect their name, email address and phone number, which is added to our client database.
When we hold external events , we collect email addresses from attendees so we can send out new client vouchers and offers, however people are asked if they wish to receive these and only send to those that opt in to receiving email communication from us.
Our Salon is monitored by CCTV.
Why is the data being collected?
We collect your data for a few reasons:
Occasionally we may need to contact you about an upcoming appointment. For example, to make you aware of your stylist being unwell or an issue beyond our control that requires the appointment to be rescheduled. We will always ask for your preferred mode contact for these occasions, and you are free to change this at any time.
We ask to collect your mobile number so that we can send appointment reminders via text message; we always ask if you would like these reminders and do not send them unless you consent to them, and you are free to withdraw you’re at any time.
We make a record of any allergies and skin tests results as we are legally required to by both our professional federation and our contractual agreements with our product manufactures, so this carried out on the lawful basis of our contractual obligations. We also ask for explicit consent to store this information for one year.
We ask for your date of birth as there are some services, we can’t offer to under 16’s in line with our professional code of conduct. We also require confirmation of the age of young people, as children under 12 are required to be supervised in the salon by a parent/legal guardian, so processing this information is on a lawful basis of our legitimate interests as a business.
We like to keep you up to date with our news, offers and events via email and /or post: we will always ask if you consent for us to do this and you are free to withdraw your consent at any time.
We have CCTV cameras in the salon for security reasons. During salon hours the cameras are de-activated, and the speakers are switched off, and would only be switched on to record should a situation arise when we felt that the health & safety of clients and employees were compromised. We have registered the cameras with the governing bodies and display notification notices around the salon, so we conduct this monitoring on a lawful basis of our legitimate interests as a business.
Who will we it be shared with?
We will not share, sell, or rent your data to any third parties. We will not share your information with third parties for marketing purposes.
How do we store your data?
We store all client information on our secure database that is password protected, which is backed up to an encrypted, password protected cloud storage system. Any CCTV footage is securely stored, and password protected for 30 days, after which time it is deleted.
How long will your data be kept for?
Your data will be kept securely until you notify us that you longer wish to receive our communications, or after 2 years from your last salon visit, whichever the sooner.
How can you access and update your information?
You are able to view the data we hold on you at any time by contacting Options Front of House Team on 01245 491434 or info@optionschelsmford.com
We are committed to ensuring the accuracy of your information, and regularly check the details we have are correct. If you change any details that we hold, please notify us by either phone on 01245 491434, email info@optionschelsmford.com or write to us at 43 Broomfield Road, Chelmsford, Essex, CM1 1SY.
Your choices
You have the right to determine whether or not you wish to receive information from us. If you do not wish to receive communications from us by post, email, or phone, in the first instance, you can notify us of that by not opting in on the client contact form in salon.
You can also change how you would like us to contact you by letting our Front of House or your stylist know at any time.
If you would like us to delete all of your contact information, please contact Joanna at joanna.thorne@optionschelsmford.com or on 01245 491434.
If you want to complain about communications you receive from us you can email us at joanna.thorne@optionschelsmford.com or contact on 01245 491434. If you think we have misused your data, you can also complain to the Information Commissioners Office at any time.